Read Image
(Image Processing)
Reads a image either from disc or from a file object and returns it as an ImageIOObjectDescription
This operator is able to read a wide variety of image types including jpg, png, pdf and pptx
The image as an ImageIOObject
- file type The file type of the file to read. If set to true the operator will infer the type of file from the ending. Everything which is not .pptx or .pdf will be read as an image using opencv.
- show pdf options If set to true options for PDF import are shown. This includes DPI of the image, the option to read all pages as well as the enforcement to use PDF parsing.
- image type Type of image created in PDF Reader. Default is ARGB.
- dpi Quality of the image if you read pdf files. Only applicable for PDFs.
- read all pages If a PDF is selected an this is set to true all pages of the pdf are read and a collection of images is delivered. If it is set to false only the first page is returned as an ImageIOObject.
- enforce pdf If set to true the input will be treated as a PDF. Usually the operator decides on the ending of the file, if it should treat is as an image or PDF. Sometimes you have files which do not end with pdf, but are PDFs. An example for this are results from Get File, which are buffered on disc and end on .dump. You can use this option to still read those correctly.