

What's New in RapidMiner AI Hub 10.3.1?

Version 10 is a major version upgrade when you are currently on version 9. Please ensure to read the upgrade from AI Hub 9 migration instructions!

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in AI Hub 10.3.1:

AI Hub

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in AI Hub by DevOps team.


  • Implemented Healthchecks in the docker-compose file for the components to improve stability of the stack. For more information visit Healthchecks

  • Aihub Job Agent

    • Introduced additional volume to jobagent service for mounting huggingface models.
  • Aihub Backend

    • Added optional SMTP setting for AiHub Backend
    • Custumized Repository upload limit
  • Added TZ to all containers

  • Prometheus profile is acitivated by default for Ai Hub components(Backend, Job/WebAPI Agents and WebAPI Gatway)

  • Better custom port support

  • Refactored Panopticon configuration, licensing and storage


  • Add CPU limitation to docker deployment


  • Panopticon Vizapp default memory and cpu limit increased to 2Gi and 1CPU

  • Panopticon file upload size to 30000000 bytes

There is a limited concurrency of Job Agents due to potential concurrent writes of the same model into the directory. By default, Job Agents and Job Containers maintain a 1-to-1 relationship, minimizing issues. However, if a Job Agent spawns more than one Job Container, concurrency concerns may arise.`


  • docker-compose version

    • changed from 3.9 to 2.4
  • Panopticon Vizapp default PVC name has been changed

    • from panopticon-vizapp-pvc to panopticon-vizapp-appdata-pvc
  • Panopticon Vizapp volume name was changed

    • from pv-panopticon-viz to panopticon-appdata-vol