

You are viewing the RapidMiner Hub documentation for version 10.2 - Check here for latest version

Web API Gateway

The Web API Gateway is a standalone application which serves as entry point for Web API Endpoints and redirects and load balances traffic to responsible Web API Agents. It uses the AI Hub Server's registry (see WEBAPI_REGISTRY_ properties) to get information about connected instances.

It is possible to deploy multiple instances to raise reliability and availability and by putting an external proxy in front, e.g., nginx.

Property Default Description
WEBAPI_REGISTRY_PROTOCOL http The internal registry protocol used by Gateway to retrieve information about routes and available Web API Agents
WEBAPI_REGISTRY_HOST The internal registry host used by Gateway to retrieve information about routes and available Web API Agents
WEBAPI_REGISTRY_PORT 8080 The internal registry port used by Gateway to retrieve information about routes and available Web API Agents
WEBAPI_REGISTRY_USERNAME admin The internal registry username used by Gateway to retrieve information about routes and available Web API Agents
WEBAPI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD The internal registry username used by Gateway to retrieve information about routes and available Web API Agents
WEBAPI_REGISTRY_URL See below List of registries (high availability), comma separated of registry used by Gateway to retrieve information about routes and available Web API Agents