

You are viewing the RapidMiner Radoop documentation for version 10.2 - Check here for latest version

What's new in RapidMiner Radoop 10.2

Released: August 15, 2023

Radoop 10.2 supports Spark 3, previous limitation of Radoop 10.0 has been lifted, Pushdown operators are available again. Changes were added to the Radoop connection configuration to help users set up connections securely and easily. We recommend upgrading to this version when using 10.2 version of Rapidminer Studio or AI Hub.

Spark 3 support

With Spark 3 support, the complete Radoop functionality is available on Java 11. Depending on your Hadoop distribution vendor, you will be able to upgrade your Hadoop cluster to Spark 3 and Java 11 and use Radoop 10.2. Make sure to check out the RapidMiner Radoop Compatibility page to confirm which versions support Spark 3 at the time of this release. Please note that existing Spark Scripts (PySpark/SparkR) should be revised to use the newer Spark API. For further help please consult Apache Spark migration guides.

Radoop Proxy

With the 10.2 release the installation of Radoop Proxy has become mandatory to achieve a more transparent way of connecting to the Hadoop cluster. We provide further details on Radoop Proxy installation in the installation guide. This impacts all existing Radoop connections which will need to be updated to use the new Radoop Proxy.


RapidMiner Radoop 10.2.0 requires RapidMiner Studio 10.2.0 or newer. When used in AI Hub executions, Radoop 10.2.0 requires RapidMiner AI Hub 10.2.0 or newer.

Full list of enhancements and bug fixes